10 - The SOLUTION Transforms






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About 10 - The SOLUTION Transforms

The term "transformation" sounds appealing but is often considered beyond reach. God provided a clear path that you can choose if you want transformation. God will not make you choose or do the eight steps He has provided. But, when you start the process, you will participate in the abundant life you have been given. The benefits and promises God states that are part of the abundant life, this transformation, are incredibly appealing. He says you will...

- enjoy in His exceedingly precious promises
- participate in His divine nature, and
- escape the corruption that is in this world.

While that is incredibly appealing, He also tells you about three additional promises if you take the transformation path and one painful, solemn warning if you don't.

10 - The SOLUTION Transforms


If transformation is something that could just happen, like magic, most people would sign up for it immediately.

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Hopefully, you took enough time to create a vivid enough picture so that you can write down what you saw.

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The four categories need to be prioritized to help you know whether you are picturing a better life or an illusion. Think about each and prioritize the four categories with a 1 to 4 ranking where one is best. With that done, see if your prioritization agrees with what is stated below.

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What if there was an absolute 100% satisfaction guaranteed way to have the best life? What if it was all available to you right now? What if you could have a vibrant, abundant, genuine, robust, meaningful, and devoted life?

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So, what is needed to enjoy what has already been given to you? The answer is in the same verses. Reread verses 2-4 to see how to enjoy the exceedingly great and precious promises, participate in the divine nature of God and escape the corruption that is in the world.

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Return to 2 Peter and look at verses 5-9. Notice specifically what God is asking us to do and what He promises us.

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The definition most appropriate for this chapter is 1c, โ€œa major change in form, nature, or function.โ€ It does not mean simply changing the wallpaper or putting a different nameplate on the same old thing. It indicates a remarkable and deep change.

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The eight steps can be seen in a variety of ways that may be useful to understanding what God is doing for you.

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Before the specifics of each step are considered, there are three key terms that Peter provides in the beginning of verse 5. These are especially important because it sets the stage for the eight steps.

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The first step in your transformation starts with faith. Faith is adequately defined as a โ€œFirm persuasion, a conviction based upon hearing.โ€ God has provided us with the ability to have this โ€œfirm persuasion.โ€ In fact, look at 2 Peter 1:1 to see something unique about faith.

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This is about the virtues or values of Jesus Christ. Do you want the virtues, goodness, or moral excellence of Jesus Christ? This step is about you saying to God, โ€œI recognize you are the Lord, the Master, and I am the servant. I accept my place. I want to be like You and what You want me to be.โ€ Using the faith that God has provided, you can now trust in His ability to conform you into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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This is not intellectual knowledge, but spiritual knowledge, knowledge about the virtue or moral excellence that you would like in your life. It is the โ€œpractical knowledgeโ€ of learning from God how things work, how to handle life successfully.

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Self-control is the ability to โ€œhold yourself in,โ€ have your passions under control, reining in your improper desires and lusts. Probably the best way to get self-control into your thinking is to reverse the words to be โ€œcontrol selfโ€.

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You want to change or be transformed, so, you trust in Godโ€™s provision (something outside yourself), decide to seek at least one of the virtues or values of Jesus Christ, learn about it and begin to apply it to your life so that it will control self.

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When studying this process initially, I was uncertain about how to make this practical. Godliness is a word often used, but what is it really? So, I started searching for a good definition.

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Godliness is the transition point from the internal part of the process to the external part. You have trusted in something outside yourself, adopted a virtue, learned about it, applied it to yourself, persevered with it, and begun to see life differently, through Godโ€™s eyes, not your own, at least in this one small area.

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This is the end result God desires for every virtue that you, with His energy, assimilate into your life. This is the SOLUTION for every relationship difficulty.

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God promises that if you do these steps, you will not be barren or unfruitful in the most important knowledge you could ever need โ€“ knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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But, if you do not do these steps, there is a warning. You are blind and have forgotten what Jesus did for you providing you the precious gift of life.

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Before the next promise is given, your choice and responsibility are emphasized, just like in verse 5 prior to talking about the 8 steps.

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Not only does God prevent you from stumbling, but applying these steps means an abundant entrance into the Kingdom.

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God has provided his grace to transform you. You can grow using His process. And you can be greeted abundantly into the kingdom! Today decide to be transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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