05E - The PROBLEM Is Fueled by the Judgments






11 Lessons

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About 05E - The PROBLEM Is Fueled by the Judgments

You have learned about the judgments in earlier courses. You now know what the PROBLEM is, so it is time to show you how connected the judgments are to the PROBLEM. The judgments are the primary fuel or actions used by every man and woman on the face of the earth to help the PROBLEM occur in their life.

05E - The PROBLEM Is Fueled by the Judgments


Many of the ideas covered here started in the Judgments in course 4, especially in the last section, "The Battle Between Designs and Judgments.โ€ Please go back to review if you need to. What is covered here is slightly different to reinforce what you have already learned.

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For the woman, her judgment drives her to focus her attention on having fulfilling RELATIONSHIPS. And, that phrase, as stated, isnโ€™t bad. It becomes bad when she tries to control the relationships so that her design need is met, or she gets her way.

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The pattern is similar but looks different because it is all about WORK and ACTIVITIES. A man wants fulfilling work and activities because that fulfills his design. Yes, relationships are part of his life, but they come in second to work and activities.

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With that in mind, you may think about a guy who does not work. What about him? What about an irresponsible man, even a homeless man? Is he somehow immune to the Judgment on men?

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The Judgments are SECONDARY actions fueling your ability to get to the PRIMARY choice โ€“ the PROBLEM. When operating in a self-sufficient attitude, trusting something other than God, your primary desire becomes some form of โ€œGlorify, Satisfy ME (Now)!โ€ That is what you are looking at; that is your THERE!

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Judgments or curses are not something pleasant to experience or talk about because they are the consequences for sin. What is interesting, though, is God was merciful with the judgments. How so? He did not let us live forever in the consequences by providing a pathway through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

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The women's judgment shows up in two ways - belonging or powerful. The belonging approach tends to be like her saying, โ€œWithout him knowing, I will make him into the man and husband he should be. I will ultimately be satisfied.โ€ While the powerful approach is similar to saying, โ€œIโ€™m going to change him to be the man and husband he should be. I will ultimately be satisfied!โ€

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Both options drive her to become more independent, which directly results from the judgment. And both strategies create more problems for her and damage the relationship and her need for safety and security.

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His primary strategy would be to control his work and activities to be significant. If he follows the powerful approach, it would be like he says, โ€œI must be successful so the family can have the things we want (and I can feel significant).โ€ If he follows the belonging route, he would be saying, โ€œI wish I could be significant so that others would respect me.โ€

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Just like what happens with a woman, both strategies work against him attaining any significance, especially at home.

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