05C - The PROBLEM Started in the Garden






12 Lessons

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About 05C - The PROBLEM Started in the Garden

The original sin in the Garden of Eden has much more meaning to relationships than you may have thought. Absolutely, sin is the real issue, and the primary way you will see sin showing up in your life is when you believe the PROBLEM is what it is. And, instead of only studying what each of the four characters in the "Original Sin" event was doing, you will get even more insight when you see what they DID NOT DO.

And think about this. The original sin happened in the context of marriage done wrong!

05C - The PROBLEM Started in the Garden


All the relationship struggles and difficulties began in the Garden of Eden. You most likely know that sin is the root, but the relationship between Adam and Eve also played a crucial role in that original sin.

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It is easy to be overly critical of Adam and Eve. โ€œHow could they mess everything up horribly when they were in a perfect environment?โ€ Some people think that Adam and Eve were perfect, so how did they end up sinning?

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Read Genesis 3:1-14 and only observe, do not interpret, or speculate on their actions. It might help you to create a table or chart to answer the following questions. A simple form is a resource below. You will learn a lot if you try to answer the first two questions.

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Satan implied that God had lied to them in one question and one statement. He suggested God had a secret He did not want them to know; therefore, God was untrustworthy, undependable, and unjust. Satan also implied that they could be like God and that knowing good and evil was desirable.

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Are your temptations any different? Satan tempted and deceived Eve to question and doubt God's simple, clear, stated truth. When you question God, you are setting yourself up for deception. Are you questioning God and being deceived?

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What about the day-by-day and sometimes moment-by-moment stuff I'm simply trying to get through? How does faith or salvation apply to that?

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Eve conversed with the serpent, depended on her โ€œviewโ€ of Godโ€™s command, and believed the serpentโ€™s claims. She also answered Satanโ€™s implied questions...

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God provides some additional information about Eve in the Bible. In these verses, you can clearly see that God says that she was deceived:

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Genesis 3:17 states that Adam was worse than Eve. Why? He depended on Eve and himself, not God. There are no recorded statements from Adam during Eve and the serpentโ€™s conversation, no recorded questions from Adam to Eve about the fruit. But what God gave us in His Word explicitly shows Adam ignored Godโ€™s word, took the fruit, and ate it.

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Adam ignored the truth. Unlike Eve, he was not deceived. I believe that it is worse than what Eve did. What do you think is worse โ€“ ignoring the truth or ignorance of the truth, ignoring the truth or being deceived because of a lack of understanding?

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Yes, God redeems and rescues souls from hell, AND He does not stand in the way of your sinful desires and actions or mine! That is a critical thought that could radically change all your relationships.

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Adam and Eve immediately began suffering the consequences of sin, which we still live under today. The list below is a beginning point of the multiple painful changes that occurred.

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