05D - The PROBLEM Creates a Bleak Future for Relationships

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  • 05D - The PROBLEM Creates a Bleak Future for Relationships






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About 05D - The PROBLEM Creates a Bleak Future for Relationships

The PROBLEM creates a bleak future for relationships because the more we participate in the PROBLEM, the worse relationships will get. There are multiple reasons for relationships facing more significant obstacles, as seen in 2 Timothy 3, but only four will be discussed. You will see that most of the education system and self-help material promote the PROBLEM more than the SOLUTION.

05D - The PROBLEM Creates a Bleak Future for Relationships

1 Lesson


God clearly revealed through His dealings with Adam and Eve that there are severe consequences when choosing a life that depends on something other than Him. And He did not stop with that example; there are multiple examples in His Word of people choosing to trust something other than God. Bless God that He gave us examples of those who did trust Him and the blessings that came to them from that great choice.

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These lovers-of-self are self-centered, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, and self-satisfied. Everything is about them and what they can get. Sometimes it is about others, but do not be deceived; they are getting something out of it.

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God's Word is misapplied to teach that you cannot or will not love others until you learn to love yourself. Or, if you do not love yourself, then you will not love your neighbor. And, finally, husbands, love yourself so that you will love your wife!

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Self-controlled or self-absorbed? Which one is it?! If you are sensitive at all to the Holy Spirit, you will know which. AND I speculate that 95% or more of the time, thoughts about "ME" are self-absorbed. (That's based on personal experience, and I admit I am probably more self-absorbed and self-sufficient than you.)

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The self-esteem movementโ€™s underlying desire is laudable. They want people to be a productive member of society. They believe those who have proper self-esteem will be more productive.

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Only a correct view of God will let you see yourself and the world clearly. Without Godโ€™s wisdom, you will adopt theories and even lies that sound correct. For example, you may think that humanity is good, and God saw value in us, therefore, created His plan for saving us. That is not what God says. "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." โ€“ Romans 5:7-8

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"โ€ฆdisobedient to parents..." - 2 Timothy 3:2 This is an indictment of the children AND the parents. Consider the family where the parents are self-absorbed โ€“ which is true of most households. That impacts the children. When a family models self to the detriment of others, it promotes disobedience and all of the other items in the 2 Timothy 3 list.

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The Greek word used for unloving means โ€œwithout natural affection or a family love.โ€ If self-love is a catalyst for the remaining list in 2 Timothy, it consumes any energy you might have for benefiting others. It begrudges any affection bestowed on others because it does not see beyond itself.

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At the time this was written, freedom for women was new. Before this, women were tightly controlled, as in many countries ruled by Islam today. With the influx of Christianity, freedom was promoted, creating other problems because with freedom comes responsibility. Remember Galatians 5:13?

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Paul starts the list speaking of โ€œโ€ฆ men will be lovers of selfโ€ฆโ€ and begins his conclusion with โ€œโ€ฆlovers of pleasure more than lovers of Godโ€ฆ.โ€ The list is ominous for relationships and society, especially when coupled withโ€ฆ "But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." โ€“ 2 Timothy 3:13

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