04C - Battle Between Designs and Judgments





Divine Judgments

12 Lessons

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About 04C - Battle Between Designs and Judgments

God designed man and woman in specific, complementary ways, and the judgments are best understood when you relate them to the designs. In daily life, men and women have designs that will act a certain way, and judgments tend to drive different actions. The result is a battle between the designs and the judgments. The judgments ultimately develop actions that get you to fulfill your design by focusing on yourself, whereas the design structure is fulfilled by focusing on serving God.

04C - Battle Between Designs and Judgments

5 Lessons


Structure creates a path of least resistance. That path of actions depends on where you are and where you look. When you have a HERE, where you are, and a THERE, where you want to be, that creates energy to move from HERE to THERE.

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The best structure for life is the one shown below. And the path of least resistance only happens when you focus on the end result or the THERE shown. No matter what the HERE of your life is, when you look at and desire to “Glorify God,” the path of actions you have in your life can be similar to those shown. But that structure is not the only operating structure available to you.

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You were born with a design that is fulfilled primarily through relationships. The Judgment focuses your attention on having fulfilling relationships at the earthly level without a focus on the primary relationship with God. It further encourages independence rather than dependence.

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Your situation is similar in the form of the structures for women but quite different in the actions and the way you will be fulfilled or struggle. You were born with a design to be fulfilled and be significant through your work and activities.

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Because you “Flash your ME” and make everything about “ME,” that shows that your primary desire is about satisfying ME NOW! That thinking drives you to the natural actions of wanting what God prohibits, having what you do not have (and now!), gratifying your senses (now!), and looking good to everyone (now!).

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6 Lessons


The judgment structure demands behavior to fulfill your God-given designs by focusing on “ME. But the design structure demands behavior to fulfill your design by focusing on God and what He wants. These two structures operate simultaneously, creating the oscillation shown above.

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It is time to look deeper into the battle that women experience. Her judgment creates a separate structure that is different from the design structure. But keep this in mind, the judgment uses the needs of the design to focus energy on self (ME) rather than using the design for its created purpose to serve God and others.

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What about a woman who does not care about her relationship? What if she wants away from her husband or even her children? Is she outside the impact of her judgment?

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A man’s judgment operates by the same pattern as the women's but creates different fears. Men's judgment encourages and produces fear that even their best work will not make them SIGNIFICANT. His judgment fears that even if the work is significant, it is still not enough.

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But what if a man does not want to work, accomplish, and be significant? What if he is lying on the couch, drinking beer, and doing nothing productive all day? Is the outside the impact of his judgment?

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When you grasp the underlying foundation of the image of God, designs, and judgments, relationships between men and women will stop looking like some of Albert Einstein’s abstract math equations. And, understanding the links between the judgments, designs, and self-absorption (flashing your “ME”), you gain new insight into your behavior and those things that help and hurt marriages.

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You are designed in the image of God. You only need to depend upon God to allow your design to reflect the image of God. The natural tendency is to depend upon yourself, which will hide or distort your design. It is natural (AUTO PILOT) to depend on and trust “ME,” which follows the Self-absorbed and Judgment path. It requires a DELIBERATE choice to trust God.

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