09B - Authority and Leadership - Paul's Example





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About 09B - Authority and Leadership - Paul's Example

Leadership is a perfect fit with the discussion about submission, because it too, when done God's way is very different from the typical application of it. Paul provides an excellent example of how leadership works best as he deals with the Corinthian church. His example with the Corinthian church demonstrates outstanding leadership and, of course, it fits completely with the example that Jesus used.

09B - Authority and Leadership - Paul's Example


Authority is constantly misused, creating an image of harshness or abuse. It is also misused when seen as a person, meaning the person in charge. Finally, it is misused when the person with authority minimizes everyoneโ€™s freedom except their own.

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When you accept your role as the channel of authority, you can focus on valuing and developing people instead of using your authority to control people. How then do you develop people?

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How clear can Paul be about the proper use of authority? Paul was the conduit, the channel of the authority of God. Jesus is THE Authority, and He is โ€œmeek and gentleโ€ in His dealings with us. His unlimited power is used for our benefit because He is meek and gentle.

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More passages support the idea that Paul did not try to control the Corinthians. Instead, he invited them to consider the truth.

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When you understand that authority is about freedom and that you are only a channel of Godโ€™s authority, you can start using Godโ€™s authority more effectively. Notice how these ideas and principles show in Paulโ€™s approach to the Corinthian church.

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There is a big difference in how the world views authority and how God sees it. The worldโ€™s view of authority has its roots rigidly attached to ME, pride, my position, and my power.

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Consider two approaches a leader can take with a person. You can be powerful or relational. The better approach is to use both in the right proportion for any situation. You will see more about this in โ€œResults and Relatingโ€ in the next chapter.

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When you think leading is primarily about being served or in control, your focus is on power. You will try to use Godโ€™s Word to support your power and your desire to control.

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God asks leaders to use His authority correctly by freeing people and being gentle. Doing those two things will result in leading correctly.

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Finally, here is a summary of Paulโ€™s leadership style as shown in 2 Corinthians 11. I challenge you to study it further to see how his style fits Jesus.

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Passion, Principle, Process, Priority

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