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The “S” Word! (Book 6)

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Demonstrating love through deference 

When you see a yield sign, the traffic laws dictate that you must defer to oncoming cars from another lane or those merging. It is the natural order, and if you choose to disregard this warning, there could be severe consequences or destruction.

In certain connotations, the term to yield could also be rephrased as to submit. Much like the yield sign, God’s law commands us to be “submitting to one another in the fear of God,” in Ephesians 5:21. If we discount this command, similarly to ignoring a traffic sign, the results could be catastrophic, causing pain and even the destruction of our relationships.

Submission is an unpopular topic, because this action requires a great deal of selflessness and putting aside of our own desires. This is an extremely counterculture principle, even for Bible-believing Christians.

Join the GR8 Relationships ministry in The S-Word to learn what biblical, holy submission looks like in a godly relationship.

The S-Word?!?

Did you pick this book up wondering which S-word we are talking about?

Read on. You may be surprised . . . and besides, we know you are curious.

Cue the drum roll.

We are talking about something that people struggle with in their relationships with each other and with God. Submission. Are you cringing? At least it wasn’t a bad word. Or maybe submission is a bad word to you. And now, you may be wondering, “Why is submission important?” Isn’t that an old archaic idea in a relationship?

There is a big difference in the way the world views authority and submission and the way God sees it. The world’s view has its roots rigidly attached to ME, pride, my position, and my power.

Being the power or the authority is the primary focus of your sin nature, which is linked to the world system that Satan rules.

But God’s view is drastically different. The roots of authority are deep in God. Authority channels need to value humility because authority is not theirs. It is God’s gift or assignment to you. It is not about you; it is about stewardship of God’s gift.

Join the GR8 Relationships ministry in The S Word to understand submission, leadership, and true humility.

Purchase this book directly from ChurchLeaders.com.
