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  • Made In God’s Image, Really? (Book 3)

Made In God’s Image, Really? (Book 3)

$ 14.99

Who do you resemble?

As kids, we may remember people telling us that we looked or acted like one of our parents. Since we spent so much time with them in our formative years, it makes logical sense for us to emulate their behaviors, attitudes, and mannerisms.

As children of God, we spend enough time with Him to naturally replicate the behaviors and attitudes, also known as the fruits of the Spirit. These are supposed to set us apart from the world and signify who we belong to and who our spiritual father is.

In Genesis 1:26, God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness . . .” From the beginning, our purpose was to reflect Christ in all we say and do—not only to glorify God but to bring others to saving knowledge of Him through our emulation of Christ.

Join the GR8 Relationships ministry in Made in God’s Image. Really? to examine the design of men and women and how each design reflects God’s image.

Purchase this book directly from ChurchLeaders.com.

God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them – Genesis 1:27

 That means He created you in His image! WHY?

God created man and woman. But He didn’t just make them. God had a specific objective for creating men and women. And sin has distorted the view, which results in bad relationships.

This book explains the designs of men and women and how each design reflects God’s image. You will learn how to reflect on God’s Image and to translate it into effective interactions with people. This will make a big difference in relationships no matter what type they are.

When we see that He created us as a reflection of Him, it floods us with light and an understanding of why we are on the planet and what our relationship with Him should be.

So, here’s the question: Are you reflecting or distorting God’s image? What an amazing opportunity you have as a human being to reflect the image of the Great I Am. Think about how that can impact the world!
