Kolbe Index

$ 75.00$ 325.00

Unlike personality tests, which tell you what’s wrong with you and how to change it, Kolbe tells you what’s right with you and how to make the most of it. It is easy to complete online in less than 20 minutes. This is your hardwired design. The Kolbe Index is so objective and accurate that it meets US Government standards (EEOC) for hiring or re-assignment processes. It removes the guesswork from how people will perform. Skills can be taught, and personalities can change, but the instinctive way to succeed is hardwired into each of us. More information…

CHOOSE YOUR OPTION BELOW. The Kolbe Index is $75 per person. You get the Kolbe A Report (18 pages), a Coaching Report (2 pages), and a Study Guide (20 pages). The Study Guide is NOT self-guided instruction. It is used when reviewing your results with Hermann but has valuable stand-alone information. If you want Hermann to review your results with you in a personal 60 to 90-minute review, it is $325 per person.
