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  • iStartStrong Career and Job Interests Assessment

iStartStrong Career and Job Interests Assessment

$ 75.00$ 450.00

Discover Career and Job Preferences!

  • Identify and pursue a career path that aligns with your interests and personality
  • Get clear and straightforward information that can be used even if time is limited with your coach
  • Receive valuable career and job information that extends well beyond your coaching session
  • Obtain a user-friendly, personalized, and interactive report in the form of a PDF that has links to other valuable resources
  • Get a self-service report that is easy to understand and interpret

CHOOSE YOUR OPTION BELOW. The iStartStrong is $75 per person. You get the Report (8 pages) listing your top five specific interests with six occupations for each of the five.  If you want Hermann to review your results with you in a personal 30-minute review, it is $200 per person.

This assessment is better when combined with the Kolbe Index. The iStartStrong shows what jobs/careers you like or prefer, while the Kolbe Index tells you if your strengths fit the job/career. The iStartStrong, Kolbe Index, and 60 to 90-minute review with Hermann is $450 per person. This might take a couple of additional phone calls to discuss job or career choices.
